Hotel owners are saying “yes” to hotel local marketing efforts that increase room sales and raise the hotel’s visibility on search engines.
In a three-month period March to May 2022, 12 Accor properties in Australia took part in a pilot programme using a ground breaking solution known as HyperZone®️. The intention of the pilot was to use HyperZone®️ to target mobile phone users who have a high intention to book a hotel room at once (or in a not-so-distant future).
Headline Results
Across the board, participating hotels and resorts that took part in the pilot programme had a significant increase in direct revenue.

Understanding HyperZone®️
Understanding HyperZone®️
Developed by OmniHyper®️, HyperZone®️ capitalises on consistent data across various local channels to enhance local visibility and takes a multi-pronged approach to achieve this. The strategy includes targeting local algorithms, leveraging high-demand and transactional keywords.
Furthermore, HyperZone®️ populates local directories with information about the hotel, resulting in more qualified leads and increased engagement, both online and in person.
The solution also focuses on on-page SEO optimisation, building local links, and improving on-page signals to carry out good practice SEO which enables one to gain a higher ranking in search, along with off-page search engine optimisation.
Appealing specifically to the local algorithm, HyperZone®️ creates and maintains up to 128 citations and channels with consistent name-address-place (referred to as NAP) information.
Additionally, as part of OmniHyper®️’s ongoing local marketing partnership, the team provides best practice tips for creating social media posts, content on the Q & A page, and publishing reviews to maximise results.
Impact on Organic Bookings & Web Bookings
The local SEO marketing strategy was effective across the 12 pilot properties, including a metropolitan luxury hotel in Queensland, a luxury regional resort in New South Wales, a mid-scale hotel in metropolitan Victoria, and an economy hotel in a city in Queensland.
The highlights include:

Direct Revenue
For three hotels, the HyperZone® pilot programme lifted hotel direct revenue in Google Maps and hotel websites by
148%, 174%, and 225%.
We are happy to share with you the results from individual hotels, and if you would like to know more about the organic bookings, web bookings and direct revenue, then get in touch with Nick Hollows .
OmniHyper®️ Director Michael MacDonald says the web booking contributions and revenue generated figures were impressive.
“The results show that these properties overpowered the other hotels in the same city, with significant increases in public direct revenue during the three months of the pilot programme.”
Mr MacDonald says HyperZone®️ resulted in greater demand and visibility for the hotels, when compared to competitor hotels.
“If these hotels had not taken part in the pilot, this revenue would have gone to their competitors or to the online travel agents with the associated high rate of commission.”
Location and Seasonality
The hotels taking part in the pilot are located in major cities around Australia. The prior period was impacted by an increase in Covid-19 cases and flooding in Queensland/New South Wales. Mr MacDonald says this factor provided a critical reference to the pilot study and demonstrated the hotel online marketing strategy was effective, regardless of vast differences in geography and regional economics.
Pilot Programme Observations
An interesting outcome for the hotels where the ROI was lower than the average, was the examination about why the local SEO strategy was not as effective. Factors contributing to this outcome included existing occupancy levels, blackout dates, minimum length stay restrictions, deployment of ceiling rates, and the hotel’s location in a CBD or a resort destination. In some cases, the channel report shed light on how certain booking strategies were leading customers towards indirect bookings.
The director of sales and marketing from one of the pilot programme hotels says that for their property, digital technology is always evolving, and commented that HyperZone®️ is a relatively new technology.
“HyperZone®️ is a great way to be competitive, and it’s good to be ahead of your competitors.”
Another hotel general manager taking part in the pilot says HyperZone®️ has produced amazing commercial results.
Mr MacDonald says due to the success of the pilot programme, HyperZone®️ is now the preferred marketing activity for Accor hotels in the Pacific Region that align with the ideal criteria.
Book a Demo
Get In Touch
We have picked the highlights from the HyperZone®️ pilot programme for this report and welcome the opportunity to provide detailed results for all the hotels.
The local search marketing strategy is effective for all scales of hotel, from economy to upscale, and we can see your hotel has similarities to others in the pilot. We encourage you to book a FREE demo with Partnerships Director Nick Hollows nick@omnihyper.com and talk to them about how this hotel local marketing strategy can work for your hotel.
Get In Touch
Get In Touch
We have picked the highlights from the HyperZone®️ pilot programme for this report and welcome the opportunity to provide detailed results for all the hotels.
The local search marketing strategy is effective for all scales of hotel, from economy to upscale, and we can see your hotel has similarities to others in the pilot. We encourage you to book a FREE demo with Partnerships Directors Nick Hollows nick@omnihyper.com or Martin Farrell martin@omnihyper.com and talk to them about how this hotel local marketing strategy can work for your hotel.